Her unbelieved fairytale

by eyesxshutxtite   Jul 29, 2005

Once upon a time there was a girl that wasn't perfect, she wouldn't ever expect a happy ending or some prince to sweep her off her feet

but one day she meet a boy that she couldn't help but 2 fall in love with, this boy belonged in a fairytale book, one that she did not believe in, but he wasn't in a book he was real

as they grow up together they was like any other teen romance, he would buy her flowers on her birthday, and write her love letters in the middle of class, for he did not care how many times he got in trouble from the teachers he truly loved her.,.,

and one day , THE one day she was so happy because her prom was that night, and also it was her birthday,
the boy new he had to do some thing special for her some thing VERY special
he first woke her up by bring her breakfast in bed, at 7:00am, but that was the first time the meet at the bus stop in 6th grade, when he shared his half eaten pop tart with her
then he took her to her grandmothers, her grandmother raised her most of her life and was dying,
then the took her 2 her surprise party down by the lake, where he first kissed her
the girl was having a great time, she was spending time with the one she loved and she knew that she would always love
when it was time for the prom
she walked down the stairs, she took his breath away, she was his princess and and he was her prince, they was living the fairytale, the fairy tell that she did not believe in
when they entered the prom room, they danced they didn't stop until it was time to announce the king and queen,
and of course them 2 became the king and queen of the prom, when he lead her 2 the stage knelt down on one knee, and asked for her hand in marriage, she looked in to his dark brown eyes and said "i ,with all my heart, i am forever ours"
that night no one will ever forget,

he was taking her home, well thats what she thought, but he was actually taking her to new York, because she pick out a ring when she was in 6th grade, and a small little store was the only one who had it, and he keep the magizen ever seance then, .,., as he reach under the limo seat to show her why they was driving past her house, the limo driver swerved out of the way of a car speeding driving uncontrolable , and yelled back to the 2 kids in the back seat "are u 2 OK?" and of course they were he was holding on to her, so she wouldn't be so scared,.,
then another race car that must have been racing the one earlier hit a rough spot in the road and smashed the backoff the limo end killing the girl on impact, but he never let go, the paramedics pried him off of her,.,.,

he lived on, he stayed with her family trying 2 give them support over the lose of there only child
he lived 2 be 70, classmate believe he only lived 2 be 70 because of the time when he first meet her.,., at 7:00

--her fairytale didn't have a happy ending--


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