An Angel

by Laura   Aug 4, 2005

To a beautiful girl,
you might not have seen,
all that this world has to offer,
but it just wasn't meant to be,
your parents cared too much for you,
to see you ever suffer,
in our time what they did might not have been right,
but God alone knows what is being done,
we all knew that you belonged in heaven,
where all good people go,
where hopefully one day you'll see your parents,
for there love for you is so strong
that it makes them the best people in my time,
i have grown to love you too,
although our meeting was so brief,
we did not quite see each other,
for who we are,
God bless your soul,
For you have the gift of only seeing the good,
with our Lord and Savior,
for no one could take better care of you,
Your parents love you,
and everyday remember,
the little girl that changed
their life forever.


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