
by ceci Mathieu   Aug 7, 2005

Why when we walk people stare
Is our love that strong to make strangers care?
when I'm sad it make you mad
I wonder why my parents frown
Is it just because your skin is not brown

I'm happy and I love you
I wish they could see this too
Your educated and have a job you could support me no need to rob
I guess this does not matter well
To What I just told them their probably thinking what ever hell!

Is it because your eyes are blue
or maybe cause your hair is blond and silky too
Or how about your skin is white
and it causes our parents to fight
I don't now why this is potent
Cause our love is what important

You know what i don't care what they say
As long ad you love me and i love you here our love shall lay
As the day comes for us to be man and wife
Don't trife
No matter whose their and whose not
we will still be tying the knot

cuase no matter if your black white yellow and orange anything
I love you and want u to give me the ring
As you know
The love we have together Will hopefully grow
Cause i love sincerely i do
and this is baby is phareal

Plz vote and leave comments i woudl like to have feeback on all my poems!!!!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ericka

    This Is A Good Poem. Im White And Was In A Relationship With A Black Boy And His Mom Did Not Like It At All. My Parents Were Fine With It. But Due To His Mom Not Being Ok With It And Him Being Close With His Mom We Decided To Break Up. But I Do Not See Why There Is Any Prob With Black And White. I Think Black People Are The Best! LoL. Good Luck With Your Relationsip. Hope You Two Work Out! -Ericka