Comments : Stay away from the freshmans

  • 18 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Lol ooo anger in that one cassya! I am sooo stayin away from you! (lol u kno i just kiddin) good poem=)))))
    weepin wolfy

  • 18 years ago

    by undying blusher

    Freshman...I remember it like yesterday...hah

    The day will come and you will no longer be a "teeny freshman" but a little higher on top...then you get to push around all the freshmans that are below you (that's the way it works, not saying I'm like that).

    Good work, cass. May I call you cass? Anyway, I like how you didn't keep it all rhyming so it wasn't forced. And I'm sure there are many that can relate to what you're saying.

    "All we need to do is stay away..."

    At first I didn't like the ending (last line) so didn't seem powerful enough or just...I don't know. But then I imagine it being read in front of a crowd of people, and the final words whispered..."stay away... stay away" I think repeating those two words makes it a little more effective, but that's just me *shrugs*

    Keep strong, agressive (but not too much)...and you'll be fine ;) Helps having older friends in high school...
