Still black

by matt white   Sep 8, 2005

Still black

There's not one thing I can tell myself
To make me think i\'m over you
Because the dark truth of it baby
Is I will always love you
I can and will not
Give up on this true love
Because it feels so heavenly
Like it's from above
Please forgive me
If I came on to strong
But I figured you love me as much
And that what we had would last long
I never meant to scare
You away from me
So please take me back
And give me one more chance baby
I beg and I plead down on my knees
For you to take me back
But if you say no well
Then I can respect that
But this is the only way
I know how to express my feelings
But I love you so much
I mean I am kneeling...
I want just one more chance
I won't mess it up
What we had was so special
I don't want to give it up
So please oh please
Give me one more chance
Because you're the only girl
That I want to romance
I just don't know how to explain
How you still make me feel
And losing you to me
Was the biggest deal
Ever to happen to me
The biggest deal in my life
And I've said it before and ill say it again
I'm not looking for a wife
Just a lost love
That I want to recapture
Because my love is something
You always have once it is captured
Its not the same without you
I don't feel the same
I feel a lot worse
But I have no one to blame
But myself
Its my fault I lost you
I swear I wont mess it up
I don't want to lose you
I don't want to lose you
For good
And I hope that this poem
By you is understood
So I beg you to please
Take me back
Because without you
My world is dark and black

Please Courtney I need you in my life take me back


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