Echo (Blue Horizon)

by Jadeism   Sep 11, 2005

Echo (Blue Horizon)

on the shore he stands,
a prince of the sea
he lifted both hands
and beckons for the waves
to come closer to the lands
the sea breeze tossed
his sand coloured hair
by the sea he sings
his voice; steady and strong
all the shells by the shore
trap the beauty of it all
he leaves no prints
on the soft sandy beach
but it is he, I saw,
who told the waves
to welcome me as I stand
where he stood,
and it is he, who sent
his embraces through
the gentle breeze of the ocean
it is he, who sings to me
as I held a seashell to my ear
the waves gently tug
I take a light step in
I glance upon the clear surface
but it is his image I saw
I bend to touch, but
it is his hands that reached
out and gently grasped mine
His gentle dark eyes
twinkle in the sun's radiance
His smile tells me enough
He held my hand and
gently guided me to his world
My voice will accompany his
in the sea shells that lie
along the twinkling blue sea

their cries were left behind
blown by the sea breeze
drowned by the waves
and then I saw
but I'm not entirely sure
two figures, embracing,
in the middle of the blue horizon

vastness of the open sea
our love, a
never ending echo


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