Old times aren't always old

by *~CaSsYa~*   Sep 14, 2005

I'm in high school,
You're in middle school,

But it don't mean that
We can't still be friends
Can't we catch up
And remember all the times
When we laughed and just talked?

Because when we talked today
It felt like the same way
Like nothing had changed
Like we're in the same school
Same teachers

Today we just talked
You know talk about your school
The movies that you like
Teachers that we hate
And the jokes that we love

You know
Just laugh out loud
The real laughter
That comes from our stomaches
Not from our brains

I don't think I've done that
For quite awhile
But today u made me feel
The old memories
That felt so real

The things we used to do
As we experience it now,
The old times
Don't feel so old
They're new
And old memories
At the same time


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  • 18 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Aww what a sweet poem sakura, i love it! which one of ur friends is still in middle school? oh well, maybe u'll tell me laterz, ttyl gtg, cya at school:):/:(

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