My ''Big Brother''

by Tiffani   Sep 16, 2005

Your more to me,
than just a good friend,
or peer,
your like my big brother,
some one i can talk to without fear,
you wipe away my tears,
and never tell me I told you so''
no matter how many times you did, and i didn't listen...
you are the big brother i never had,
you are my best friend,
and confidant,
no poem or song could describe the love i have for you inside...
you tease me,
and then hug me tight,
i feel safe when I'm with you,
always you take away my fright,
i can tell you everything,
to you Ive dumped out my soul,
you saved me from myself,
and i gave all my love i have left,
id be so lost without you,
i don't even know what id do,
but i cant let you know that,
not that i care quite that much,
but deep inside you know i do,
you know how very much,
i love you,
every one knows it,
that you are that important to me,
we fight like we've been married 50 years,
the way brother and sisters do,
you protect me from all the bad,
and pain you wont let me endure,
one wrong look i get from a guy,
and you are right there,
monitoring my every move,
making sure no pain will be found there...
i want you to know its official,
I'm you little sister now,
and our love,
Will get even stronger some how...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffani

    I hope he does too lol, but i kno it!!

    lol nm jj

  • This is a great poem and i hope that he does realize how u feel , keep up the great work u r improving with each poem 5/5/ from me