What do u see?

by ~*~ViRgIn_SuIcIdE~*~   Sep 16, 2005

Look at me, what do u see?
Maybe a girl who tries to be.

a little girl, who wants to be free
free from life and free from dreams.

Look at me, what do u see?
Maybe a lady full of class.

a lady who can not last,
who cant live life cuz of her past.

Look at me, what do u see?
maybe a middle-aged woman, tryin to make life work.

trying to support a family,
in a little old house, that barely fits a mouse?

Look at me, what do u see?
maybe someone i am not to be.

you put me in a box, and judge me by my looks.As if u know who i truly am.

Thanks for puttin me in a boz and not taking time to find who i am...Instead u look right past me and who find who im not...

*this was inspired by a presentation that went on at my school...dont jusdge people before u know them...\"


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