
by *~CaSsYa~*   Sep 18, 2005

It all happened
all so quickly
like a hurricane
it came unexpectedly.

I realize that today
maybe tomorrow I
have to break
a heart maybe two.

It's unbelievable
a guy, not one but two
likes me at the same
time it seems so untrue.

But here I am like this
broken inside when I'm
not the one
getting dumped.

Even if I decide and
choose one guy I end
up breaking the other
I don't know what to do.

But I have to face the truth
and say "I'm sorry" because
if I hide behind my friend
my troubles will never end.

"So please forgive me
don't say that you hate me
I didn't mean to..."

how can i say this
without causing you guys pain?

Like a hurricane,
you both came to me
but like a hurricane,
it has to end up hurting...

**** I can't believe this is happening to me, but... Two guys like me at the same time, and I don't know what to do... Please help.. it's painful that I have to break a heart either way or another and i don't wanna break no1's heart, cause i know how painful it is, but ... it just has to end this way sadly... ****


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  • 18 years ago

    by Z

    Speaking from a guys perspective, I have no clue what to tell you. Search your feelings and go for the guy you have the strongest feelings for. The other one will have to be adult enough to understand. Also I've found from personal experience, if you truly do love someone, you can let go as hard as it is if that is what is best for that person!

  • 18 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Aww poor sakura, no one would ever think it would be bad ever having more than one bf lol. Well i email you my opinion, one of mind one of heart, but it is souly for you to decide what to do.

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