My beautiful killer

by Miss Lovely   Sep 27, 2005

My beautiful killer is not like you and me....
he tends to destroy things, when I'm around him..I'm no longer free.
My beautiful killer tortures me in every way he can....
he's called "the agressive man."
My beautiful killer slaughters innocent hearts....
he picks them out carefully, and gently tears them apart.
My beautiful killer looks at me with shame....
and I know he has taken me out of the game.
My beautiful killer mangled my heart with such pain....
I thought my strength would never regain.
My beautiful killer isn't like anyone else I've met....
he takes anything he can get.
My beautiful killer tampers with my love....
he's always picking up and giving me a gentle shove.
My beautiful killer tortures me so carefully....
no mistake can or will be made.
And that's what makes him beautiful---

©Copyright Deanna Hill ® 2005


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