
by brittany osborne   Oct 5, 2005

When you fall in love you drop everything in your life to be with that one person.
When you get your heart stomped on, you give up on everything and everyone.
When you get played stupid, you feel like a fool, because that one person you like maybe even love so much told you he loved you, you felt as if nothing matters anymore. That feeling stays there until one night he tells you everything in his life revolves around one person and your heart shatters into a billion pieces. Then you realize he's never going to love you. He spends most of his time with you, but it doesn't mean anything to him, but means the world to you. When you have so many opportunties to kiss him, but you don't want to because he haves a girlfriend. Then in a few months he's leaving to be with her. All those days and nights just talking and playing around, you would think that maybe he'll change his mind, well he doesn't. i know what this feels lik, it hurts really bad. It hurts so much that it feels as if you were getting cut into a billion pieces. I wish he wouldn't come around. This had happened to me and I was 14, it has been a year since and I am still after that one guy.

i know it is long but please read and rate this.


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