First love

by Shay   Oct 8, 2005

It was the summer before
i turned fifteen
we talked a lot
our conversations extreme

You asked me out
i said yes
you were my first
and i thought the best

They all told me
i was in a dream
that i couldn't get you
you were too good for me

i was always the chick
the guys went to for fun
i was never the girl
they wanted as their one

They said that i would mess up
that i would fail
They said that i couldn't hold on
that i would bail

they were all right
i screwed up
i kissed some guy
and i swear i threw up

i don't know why
i did that stupid thing
i loved you so much
i couldn't believe everything

now you're single
we broke each other's hearts
i still think of you
even though we're apart

I'm trying to move on
and i think I've made it
i think he's the one
and this time i won't screw with it

i still love you
even though I'm with him
i keep asking myself
is that a sin?

I'll go on living
I'm glad we're friends
i might love him more
but my love for you won't end


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    Really good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Cutie Pie

    Hi that was such a good poem please keep up your very good work

    maybe sometime you could read my poems