Argument between the heart and the mind

by Carlos   Oct 10, 2005

And if in fact time can not cure everything? If is not true that you forget as time goes by, or your wounds began to heal? How many things would change?

Why is it so easy to think that if u left days, months or even years go by things are gonna get better and the worse part is that you believe is true and we think we have move on, we think we are somebody who got over a break up and we are now stronger than ever.

When all of a sudden one day maybe the one you least expect it "the wall" that you have built around your heart which you though was so solid begins to crumble, because once again you are face to face with the pain, with that feeling so cold and hard that you though you had left behind and that after all is still there and is stronger than ever and it wants to get out, it wants to scream that he is still alive and the he is willing to fight thats when your heart and your mind begin to argue THE MIND begins its argument by saying...

Please not again, or have you forgotten all the time that took you to get up on your feet? Have you forgotten all those sleepless nights? all your empty days and all those nights without stars?

Do you really want to go through that again?, or now that you are finally on your feet dont you think it will be better if you follow a different path? you have a lot of potential lovers, you have what it takes to make anybody fall in love with you. And you are going to follow a woman who you don't really know if in fact she loves you?

Think about it! Don't make the same mistake! One time you felt like you could touch heaven with your hands and at the end you sank to the deepest hell. Do you think is worth it?

Do what I say. There is not such thing as a long lasting love, and all that is just going to make you feel miserable again.

(There is a long silence)

THE HEART thinking about what the MIND had said is speechless, but after thinking for a while, where THE MIND though he had won the argument THE HEART replies....

I dont know if your words are all true, but I know they arent all false. Is not the same to think than to feel? Is not the same to think before you act, because those that think first are the ones that never take any risk, and I feel bad for those persons that at least once in their life arent willing to give up everything for love, I feel bad for those persons who are not willing to forgive, because they will never be forgiven. I feel bad for those persons that they see the love of their life in front of then and they are not willing to leave everything for her.

Love is not always happiness , is not always peace and smiles, love is also pain and tears is a lot of things...... I dont know whats more powerful THE HEART or THE MIND.

What I do know is that if we dont have feelingswe become a rock, a thing thats not capable of showing love and affection a body without soul.

Thats why I think sometimes you just got to take risks; it can either go bad or good you can either make a mistake or you can live with the love of your live forever what I do know is that I would never forgive a person that wont give love a second chance and to tell the world that they love that person.

And finally last time I checked me THE HEART is the one that falls in love not THE MIND

There was a long silence and without thinking twice THE HEART chose to take the right path and went after love.


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