In and Out of Love

by Brandon   Oct 15, 2005

They say only time will tell, but only time will create pain which will make it worse N hurt you~
Because if pain wasn't the same as love then your relationship would soon to become untrue...
As love turns into a pursuit as 2 young ones try to run through life with few fears~'ll shed a few tears but Inna few years Lovell fade but magically just re-appear....
For as love is now not a problem, it is back in your life within your heart and soul~
u've got Ur girl N goals no need for jewelry n clothes life is alot better know'n yo relationship is whole.....
So when Ur love life is told by my lyrics as it simply unfolds, spiritually mind in mind together~
No matter the weather its u and that person side by side holding hand in hand forever....
Never letting love get nether, or below the surface of seeing it eye to eye~
I'm supplying u with implied emotions for eternity so theirs never a reason to say goodbye....


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