
by fifi   Oct 26, 2005

Something u can hold
something u can touch
a feeling that you feel
so much
the true lies in eyes
the love lies in heart
i wished....
we will never
everything you said i am
i believed i was
everything you made me feel
i felt i was
everytime you said
" love you "
i always said it back
but this time stop playing
cuzz yo play is whack
you better get the up
and face the fact
i want my love more than you himself
makin me feel like I'm all
by myself
you were my love
but now you ain't
cuzz you lied all up in my face
true love
isn't lies,its truth
true love
isn't games,its real
true love can take over the wheel
make it go right
make it go left
make it go up n down
right now i feel down
i think you know why
cuzz of all the stuff
you did to me
i don\'t even wanna try
but still true lies in eyes
and love lies in heart
i still wished...
we would have


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