
by Ash Kat08   Oct 27, 2005

Do you really know how I feel?
Do you really care?
Do you want to know how I feel?
Do you care about me?
Why do you say you care?
Why do you lie to me?
Why do you want me to fail at life?
Do you even care?
Is there a passing or failing grade in life?
Do you give me the grade?
Do you want me to be a failure?
Is it the way that I look?
Is it the way I dress?
Is it how I talk?
Is it even me?
Or it is you?
Is it you that has a problem with me?
Is it you who wants me to fail?
Is it you who hates how I look?
Is it you who hates how I dress?
Do you hate people, or just me?
Why wont you answer me?
Why wont you make me believe that you care?
Why is your life better than mine?
Do you work harder?
Do you try harder?
Do you care more?

Who are you?
What do you look like?
Are you white or black?
Do you have facial hair?
What do you look like?
What matters to you?
What makes you care?
Do you have a family?
Or am I the selfish one?
Am I the one that hates you?
Are you the one that I hate?
Are you sure its you?
Maybe its me, have you ever thought of that?
Are you just not happy with me?
Do you just not care?
I don't think you care.
I don't think you love me.
I don't think you love me like you say that you do.
I don't think you care.
I think you could care less about my feelings and me.
I think you just want me to love you.
I think you just want me to care about you.
You want me to care but you donâ??t.
There is no point in me caring.
There is no point in me talking to you.
There is no point in me being here with you.
There is no point of you listening to me.
There is no point for any of this.
We have no purpose in life.
What is our purpose?
Why are we here?
So trees can give somebody something to breath.
Its not their health.
Why do they care?
Why am I always scared?
Why do you say that you care?
I'm tired, cold, and scared.
I'm all alone and it's all your fault.
I'm always alone.
You used me.
You used me to get someone perfect closer.
You hurt me.
Do you care?
I don't think you care.
I don't think I love you.
I don't think I ever did.
Why cant I be like that girl?
Shes so perfect and so beautiful.
Why cant I be like her?
She says shes not perfect, but she is.
But if I could have one wish, just one,
I would wish to be her.
Not me, not ever me again, never me, her.
Shes beautiful, funny, nice and my best friend.
I want to be like her.
I really want to be like her.
I love her.
I love you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jamie

    Great poem i know what you mean i really liked this you might wanna clean up the whole f'd up spell check this site has

    I donâ??t think you care.
    I donâ??t think you love me.
    I donâ??t think you love me like