Boyfriend application

by Jade Huynh   Nov 13, 2005

BoYfRiEnD AppLiCaTiOn

Hair (color and style):

1. Where would we go on dates?
2. Who is your favorite band?
3. Do you drink/smoke/use drugs?
4. Do you like the rain?
5. If so... would you play in it with me?
6. Would you dance with me in the rain?
7. Do you like movies?
8. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night?
9. Could we cuddle and just fall asleep together?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Do you play any sports?
12. If so... what?
13. Would you call me right after we saw each other to make sure I made it home alright?
14. How would you rate your kisses from 1-10?
15. Favorite body part on you?
16. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?
17. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, s(l)ut)?
18. Would you give me kisses just because?
19. Would you sleep in the same bed as me?
20. Would you take me home to meet your parents?
21. Would you ever be my boyfriend/girlfriend?
22. Do you think I\\\'m cute?
23. Do you have have crush on me?
24. Can you just make me smile for no reason?
25. Would you lie to me?
26. Would you give me your number?
(If yes then put it here)


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