THe NiGhT MaN**

by aynslie xx   Nov 20, 2005

As the day had gone to night,
i walk home,
there was no one around,
a man was behind me,
rain started to fall,
i walked faster to get home,
the man was following me,
every light was flicking on and off,
the light went out,
i ran in to a house,
the doors were all open,
there was cracking under my feet,
a window was next to it smashed,
i shut the door,
i walked around the house,
the front door slammed open,
the man was there,
knife in his right hand,
he grabbed me,
i woke up,
i was in my bed blood was every where,
there in my bedroom was the man,
he got the knife and stabbed me,
as the days go by i still believe I\'m alive


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  • Wow. thats really really good. its makes u feel like ur in it. like..descriptive. keep it up.

    ((pReTtY iN PiNk))

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