The way we did eachother

by jared stewart   Nov 20, 2005

I sit here,
it all come back.
i fell again,
yet this time,
its not me walking away,
its her leaving me in the dust,
making me fall,
slipping away,
into the moonlight night,
so i lay here,
under the moon,
as the clouds roll in,
i wonder why this is,
i look back on the past,
i see me drawing her in,
and leading her on,
as the rain starts to fall,
on my numb body,
i start to feel the pain,
the pain i put her threw,
and all i can do is wonder,
why i was like that,
why i did her so bad,
why i had to leave her,
leave her laying exactly where i am,
under a beautiful moonlit night,
with the black clouds rolling in,
and the rain pouring down on her body,
i sit here under the clouds now,
wondering what she was thinking,
why does it have to be,
what did i do,
it shouldn't be like this,
just please let him see,
I'm here for him,
i care,
ill love you,
i will give you everything,
i know she felt this,
i know this because i feel this,
with no answers,
just the cold numb sensation,
running threw me,
hoping for her worming touch,
to push the black clouds away,
letting the moonlight shine,
with all the stars in the in the background,
showing the hope and light,
until then i will lie here,
under these black clouds,
with the rain pouring,
but not because the fact,
the fact of knowing in my mind,
knowing I'm the reason why,
not the in perfections in my personality,
the flaws in my body,
or in my mind,
but for the flaw in my action,
a choice i shouldn't of made,
so as life goes on,
i will remember,
this day,
these black clouds,
the pouring rain,
flouting over me,
day and night,
and the questions haunting my mind,
and the mistakes plaguing my body,
in my aches and pains,
because i put her threw all of this once before.


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