If I could Turn Back time

by Ashley   Dec 20, 2003

*This was my very first poem I ever wrote. Its about someone that means a lot to me, we arnt together but we are very good friends still. The only reason I put this on here is because all of the good parts of it say how I feel about my bf Steve :)*

If I could turn back time
Id take back all the things i regret
If I didnt have you
I dont know what id do
Id fall apart
If you werent in my heart
Id walk a thousand miles
Just to see you
Just to hear your voice
Would make my day
Your the light in my window each morning
Your the reason I feel the need to get up
Id do anything for you
Id die for you
You know its true
People say you love with your mind and your soul
But if thats true
THen why does it hurt in my heart
When your not with me?
We fell apart
You broke my heart
But in the end
We'll never part
You may not think your perfect
BUt I do
Each second of the day
I live for you
Only time will tell
You used to say
But we fall slower
I would give you the world If I could
If I had one day to live
Id choose to spend it with you
I know Im not supposed to say it
But I just cant help it
I love you
With all of my heart
Nothing will ever change that
I gave you my heart
And you tore it apart
I dont know why I still care
I just cant help it
You mean everything to me
Even though we fell apart
You'll always stay
A part of my heart
If there was something I could change
In the past
That would make me be able to be with you NOW
Id love to take back time
And change it
Missing you
Is the hardest to do
I hope we stay friends forever
I wish I could tell the future
So I could know my life story
Your the reason i breath
Every second of everyday
I always cry when i think of you
It makes me sad
To know that you dont feel the same way I do
I truly believe you were sent from heaven
Im so proud of you
For everything you do
Youre my angel
I want to feel your arms around me
Just knowing your there
Means everything to me
I love you
Your my dream come true

* I love you Stevie! *


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