
by ~*EsTeR*~   Nov 29, 2005

The feelings i have for you are undescribalbe
no one will ever know wut/how i feel for you
(unless they are me)
no one will ever know how much i cry just to be with you
(unless they really see)
no one will ever know how much i want to be with you in your arms
(unless they go thro wut i do)
no one will ever want to be in anyones arms at night n being held tight by the one they love as much as i wanna be in your arms
(unless they really are me)
no one will ever know what i feel
no one will ever love you like i love you
no one can ever describe what i feel for you
(not even me)
cause what i feel for you is better then words said
i say i love you
(yes i do mean it)
always will your the only one i will love
(you my first n only love)
its always going to be you
how can i even descibe how much you mean to me
(i kno i may not be good at explaining stuff... but I do LOVE YOU!)
just know that no matter how undescribable my love for you is that its all tru
(i couldnt even begin to describe what i feel... wouldnt know where to start from)
my love for you is true
and so am i to you


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