Wut am i doing

by ~*EsTeR*~   Nov 29, 2005

Wut am i doing walking down the streat all alone,
its dark and cold outside with no1 around...
its pouring rain and im soaking wet,
but yet im still outside walkin in the rain all alone...
(its like no1 seems to care where im at)

i feel so alone but then again i dont,
for sum reason its like ur there with me,
i feel/hear u near but yet its jus an illusion...
(my mind n heart is playen tricks on me)...
but yet those feelings that ur here wit me,
are quite not enough for me to survie the darkness the cold n the rain....

ur in my heart n in my thoughts,
but yet thats jus not enough...
i need u to be in sight,
but not jus when i close my eyes...
i need to feel u near,
but not jus always in my heart...
i need u to hold me close to you n never let go,
but not jus always in my dreams...

its like each rain drop is kinda like a part of me,
it hits me rolls down n drops to the ground...
(exactly like my tear deops that ive cried for you)
but the when it rains sumthing always catches the raindrops,
how come nothing/no1 catches/whipes my teardrops...

as im walking down the streat in the rain the dark n the cold,
a tear rolls down my cheak it blends in with the raindrops...

wut am i to do where am i to go,
its not like no1 is out looking for me everyone is jus living their lives...
no1 is crazy enought to go out on the streat at this time of night alone in the dark rain n cold,
but i am im crazy enough to do taht i dont care wut happens cuz each step i take brings me closer to you...
every move i make makes me feel jus one corner away from you,
im crazy in love with you and il do nething jus to have u by my side...

i kno this may sound kinda crazy but wut do i have to lose,
i dont have nething other then jus you...
i kno that ill never stop loving you no matta wut goes on,
as long as u jus love me n want me in ur life jus as i love you n want n need u in my life...

i want u to b the one to come n get me to go inside when its rainin dark n cold outside,
i want it to b you who comes to me once we have a fight n jus hold me tight...
i want it to b u that i spend the rest of my life with,
i want it to b only you cuz ur the one i love n will always love...


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