Its funny how sum1...

by ~*EsTeR*~   Dec 8, 2005

Its funny taht no matta how much sum1 hurts u,
ur still witha that person u forgive then for wut theyve done...
we've been thro so much so much pain so mani tears,
but in the end it doesnt matta cuz we stillhave eachother...

yea uve gotten hurt by me n cried tears for me,
but yet u forgave me n still love me...
uve hurt me made my cry made me hurt so bad,
but yet im still with you, i love more then i did before...

the many times u've hurt me broken my heart,
u still have me even tho it hurt so much...
i will always be urs no matta wut,
we wil go thro everything together and still remain one...

we've been thro so much in this past year,
its been good and bad...
altho u werent by my side thro the bad stuff,
u were in my heart n my soul in my dreams...

even tho it all turned out goo in the end,
i wish we were together thro the bad times we've gone thro...
even thro tha happy times we had,
i wanted to be by ur side...

im yearing for the day we get to share,
laughs, smiles, stories bout our pasts...
im yearning for u,
your warm touches, your soft kisses, your comfoert given hugs...

i want to be in ur arms,
to be able to fall asleep in ur arms...
i wanna sholder to cry on,
i want u to be there to wipe my tears when i cry...

i wanna hear ur voice,
u tellin me how muc i mean to u n u love me,
i wanna look into ur eyes,
i want to see that lil sparkile in ur eyes that only i can see...

ur in my heart in my soul n in my thoughts even in my dreams,
i see u everynight i feel u near yet ur outa reach...
ur the guy from my dreams uve taken one step out,
when will u take the otha step out so we can be together...

ive walked outa ur dream,
ive waited this long for u and still am...
take that last step pls,
be here by my side n tell me u love me n be with me forever...

im still yearning for u afta being thro so much,
i will always love you no matta wut...
ur the love of my life ur the one that iwll make me happy,
i will always, forever, n for life love you till eternety...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!'


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  • 18 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    Really long, strong and GREAT!!! good one baby, keep it up :)

    sammi xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Karla Gordon

    Well this piece is wonderful but I would suggest proper english and no short forms. Spell all your words out and do a spell check hon. Good work other than that. :)))