The art of the Kiss

by Galen Dangler   Dec 9, 2005

This kiss is a mutual desire
not as one thrown on a funeral pyre
so lift thy lips
up to thy lovers
and ever you will fly higher

This soft embrace of mouth to mouth
forever does it woo

From simple lovers
newly weds
and the oldest couples too

This thing called kiss whether light or heavy
Thick or lightly spread
peel back your lips and shoot forth thy tongue
this too is a ritual it is said

How true do two
so locked and embracing
are thrown the wrath and the scorn

Of those who take greatest envy
for they have no lips to adorn
and they do not understand this thing
that man has nicknamed Kiss

So do they misunderstand the very jist
of this thing, this simple symbol
of Love and Lust and Hope

But this kiss as warm as coals
yet tasting twice better than any cooked good
has yet brought many boys
into their own manhood

Thus forever will this be whether one or two or more
forever be this kiss with me
until i am reborn


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