The beginning

by james22   Dec 12, 2005

As i was walking down the street, i saw her
i saw the girl of my dreams
but what i saw was something i wish i never seen
and that was hurt
so you ask how it is that she's hurt ?
well it goes like this
she was laying here, laying there still in the dirt
I'm standing there with my mouth to the floor
i cant believe that I'm standing there looking at the girl i adore
but looking at her in a way i thought i never would
shes laying there helpless, nobody can do anything
not the paramedics, not even me
I'm just surprised, i wish she could see
see that I'm by her side just like always
then she starts moving but its a seizure
I'm yelling at the paramedics to help her
and all they tell me is to get away
i just stood there speechless of what they just said
but then i said that's my girlfriend, i just asked her out today
hes like OH, well then come stand right next to her
he said and so i did and i never left her side
then the unexpected happen, they cant find a pulse
I'm like WHAT ? there's got to be something there
she cant go, she was almost near
but just like that shes gone
gone out of my life, i wanted her to be my wife
as of 9-23, shes been laid to rest
couple of days later i was looking though my stuff
i found a note, it said, James, if i am to do die
remember its not the end or a goodbye
its only the beginning

not a true story, just to let you guys know.
(C) copyright


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  • 18 years ago

    by yaRis

    I was about to say...thank god not true story if not dat's too sad... n e ways one more time thanx for ur comment... i love ur story but im sure u've heard me say dat before so u know lol 5/5 n keep writing ok ciao =)