This is my self righteous suicide

by katie!   Dec 14, 2005

I’m dead inside
Suicidal maniac
Hooked on medication
Drowning in hallucinations
I’m a slave to death
And hatred and fear
As I bleed these scarlet tears
From within my very soul
So cold
How can I cope
With this pain
Driven by hurt
Searching for words
To describe
My only
Self righteous

Do you see?
Do you understand who I am?
I am nothing, worthless and from this I breed contempt,
mixed with agonies unforeseen,
A liar,
high above the mighty mountains
screaming to the wind this is my world, my life,
yet how shall I live,
To be a whirlwind of emotion staring upon massacres from my insanity bound vessel, hatred drives me, hurt cracks the whip upon my broken soul,
I bleed, I bleed bitter tears of memory wherein I have nothing but a tarnished soul,
a broken whole,
my hearts desire, how I love you


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by unnoticedXlove

    Wow thats really really good!!! i kno wat u mean... this poem kicks ass

  • 18 years ago

    by Torn

    An amazing and deep poem..i hope you're not truly thinking of anything like the title suggests, because you'd be throwing too much away.
    take care of urself xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by Roulin

    I just realised. You used my name in that!

    Luv Scarlet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Jason Kramer

    Awsome...very emotional

  • 18 years ago

    by XxCrimsonxSinxX

    This poem was pretty gooooood, keep up the good work