by TOM ZART   Dec 15, 2005


Life is simply a circus,
With too many fools on the stage.
There 's greed, fear and indifference,
As many hearts suffer from rage.

Divorce is like a bad book,
Where the heroes get killed off to soon
When we reach the point the light goes out,
Then we'll stand up and leave the room.

Without love we become such fools,
In a desert which has gone all dry
When the one we love ignores us,
There's nothing to do but cry.

The worst curse that one can endure
Are those who just wish to take.
When all we give is our own love,
To find out we've made a mistake.

Of all the prizes life may bring,
To be loved is by far the best.
That's why so many search for it,
For without love, what good is the rest?

Tom Zart
Author of
Love, War And More
Published by
Publish America


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