
by Beautiful Nightmare   Dec 23, 2005

Those eyes of yours makes may heart ache for you.
your lips are silky smooth, soft and rich
I long for them everyday, every time I see you
My eyes and mind are always on you
I hunger for your touch; your silky smooth lips
Those eyes can make anyone whimper and want more
Those hands soft and gentle
The way you walk makes anyone's heart flutter
Those eyes, can make you forget everything that every crossed your mind
That laugh could lighten a room
That smile makes you want to smile
Those teeth pearly white and straight
That hair, soft curls, short cut , i could tell the world apart from you
That perfect nose
The way you listen to other people
The way you talk, velvety smooth
The way i describe you makes you sound unreal, but you are real to me. Your are perfect, even to the hairs at the top of your head.
* By my very best friend*


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