My mind par2

by Kurosenpai   Dec 29, 2005

And possibly it because of my own issue's that have nothing to do with her.
Or do i think of the fact that like myself you've felt pain.
A pain in which Man nor Women can stand feel.
And that is to trust a special one person and that individual brakes your heart.
So the ultimate decision is left in my hands as i take the little that i have in which honestly i don't want.
But I'm welling to take it and maybe one day soon??
Which well probably never happen you can be mine and i can be your's.
Pen is to paper.
As i want to be with you.
I'm in no rush.
No hurry.

for some reason i already decided that she was worthy.
To except is to
Deal with what you've learned and take what you've learned and just leave it alone.
I have my options but the question is do i want to take those actions or
just leave it alone.

As a question is to have an awnser.
I wish you were mine.
I have realized that you could have something right now in your life me Emanuel to you.

You know who you are.

But right now you don't want me.
And if you do want me then why are you scard or not sayin anything.
I can only do and say but so much and from everything i have done with you and for you.
Even the words Ive said to you.
The questions i have asked you you know i want you and wanna be your everything.
If you didn't know well now you do.

Its up to you the final decision is yours.
I may be here right now but it wont last forever.
If you wont except my love.
Ill go to the next best thing for me that wants to.
And is the next best thing for me to be with in a relationship.


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