Gaurdain Angel

by w!th0utyou   Jan 2, 2006

Finally i got a guardian angel
someone to show me the way
i got someone who loves me
way more then words can explain
someone who makes me feel special
makes me feel on top of the world
one touch i get butterflies
so this is what they call love?
Gaurdian Angel I thank you so much
how can i repay you
never let me fall
don't even let me trip
if you ever need to talk
i'll be here for you
so Mr. Gaurdain Angel
make me one promise
never let me fall in love
unless its meant to be
well Mr. Gaurdian Angel
i guess i better tell you
i've tripped and fallen
in love with you
so were "we" meant to be?


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  • 18 years ago

    by lauren

    Wow! that was such a cute poem! realy liked it :D

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