Comments : Me or her

  • 18 years ago

    by Ariana

    This is really excellent - you have so much in such a short piece. I like the almost cynical tone to it - 'why do you play your mind games' sounds almost sarcastic and uncaring, yet obviously you do care and this is shown as the poem continues. This is a really good description and portrayal of those little moments we all have when trying to figure out the actions of the opposite sex! Brilliant write!

  • 17 years ago

    by RetroRavey

    I didn't like it so much... so I gave it a 4...
    To me, a poem that short needs to say more then that, simple yet deep. I'm guilty as well of not putting wnough into my short poems,

    keept it up, cuz everything else of yours that I have read has been better.
