Could It Be?

by kraz33 beautiful   Feb 7, 2006

~*~Tell me what you think, its not finished yet thx~*~*~
Could i like you more than a friend?
Or could we just be really good friends?
Why is it that when I go to class I look for you?
Why is that I always glance over at you across the room and see you looking at me?
I always find myself talking to you....
But my friend loves you more than anyone like I love someone...
I cant let these feelings be anything than a secret..
This is wrong but you cant help who you like...
You look at me with those bright blue eyes and I just smile,
and this time it is a real smile..
The love of my life is with someone now and I am not with anyone..
I am scared to love again or even like someone...
But could it be?
Could I have these feelings for you?
I cant cause you have her heart..
But you seem to ignore her and I see her sad and I feel so bad just for talking to you..
I cant help what I feel..
I have been hurt so bad but you always find a way to make me laugh and smile..
You look at me with this look and I don't know what it means..
I don't tell anyone my feelings about you cause i don't want anything to change and walk away like everyone else...
I donut know what this feeling is cause my heart is still so confused about a past love..


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