Pain In Love...

by ..Emma..   Feb 18, 2006

Everything That you can believe in,
Can turn out to be everything you dont.
You never know what the future holds,
Or what it will bring or what it wont.

Sometimes things can seem so perfect,
But yet you know its too good to be true.
I know that to me you was perfect,
That is why I fell in love with you.
Your warm smile and the way you talked,
You captured me with your spell.
It seemed like our love would blossom forever,
You were the one I shouted for down the wishing well.

You were in my dreams and out of them,
You made my dream a dream.
I was falling so fast I did not stop to think,
That thinks werwerntt really as they seemed
My life did not seem complete without you in it,
I did not know how to live without loving you.
I became so blind to what was in front of me,
Since I knew, my love for you was true.

Until things unraunraveled let my eyes be opened,
What was this I felt?
It surely wasnwasnt good so what was it?
I felt so small I just wanted to melt
Jealousy, Hurt, Deceit was the new emotions,
Everything was spinning so fast.
The angel I had been sent wasnt my angel,
I had to just make him one of my past.

Everything That you can believe in,
Can turn out to be everything you dont.
You never know what the future holds,
Or what it will bring or what it wont.


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