X....just sumfing for you ppl hu hurt aswell as me....x

by x kelly x   Feb 23, 2006

you know wot i realized when i started cutting myself?.....dat it relieved everything that hurt and dat i have to feel the pain that i cause people...... and it hurt,and you just fink is this the sort of pain you cause the people you come in contact with?....well guess wot i realised.....ITS NOT.....the people that make you realise that life is not worth living are fu(ked up coz...tellin u frm wot i experienced it is worth livin!....you just have to think about all the good things in life....and if you dnt fink you have any (like i did)...then keep your head up, dnt be ashamed of wt peopl fink of you and live life to its full extent....and the friend that you have got....well think of the great times you have with them and how happy they make you and the friends that do ditch you...just remember that tru mates always stay beside you...and credit the m8s dat do stay wit you!
im just saying this coz i experienced wot it was like ta have ya best mates leave you but i had nikki....and she stayed wit me all the way coz she also experienced wot it was like cutting yourself!....but da so called mates i called best mates told the teachers and well my mother found out!....and yh i did fink omg i jst really wanna die now coz....well how my mother made me feel.....but trust me things do get better and well the teachers at skewl do help you...i have a learning mentor and well she is ace...she dus everyfink :P...
neways im just writing to say that ppl that do still do it..it scars u for life....n 1 fing i found out if ya wanna get rid of them so ya can wear woteva is get the sun on it :D..............but ppl plz stop doing it and you know im here for ne1 of you lot hu wanna chat...i know i dnt know you and your just random ppl....but well i feel i have to help you get thru it like i did......so if you ever feel like talking to me......ad me and well talk ta me on msn if you have it........... kellychoudhury@hotmail.co.uk...or ya know email me!
i really would like to help you!!!!
lvzya all kelly xxxxxx


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