You Are Always Here For Me...

by Kaylalala   Mar 3, 2006

Melaina this is is for you...

You're my best friend
Its like were one sometimes
Thinking the same thing
It's so weird how we rhyme

I'll say something
And you know too
You were thinking it before
You pick me upw when im blue

I dont know what ill do
The day we have leave
I won't feel whole
I don't wanna believe

That we'll ever have to leave
I hope thats the way it'll be
I wanna be here for you
You are always there for me...

Melaina Love ya This poem is pretty Shwayngin... :P


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Layna*~

    Hey this is Melaina. I'm so glad that we are best friends. It's so cool how sometimes we are thinking the same things at the same times. Ill write one about you dont stop writing. MUCH LOVE TO YOU! Melaina.(~*Laynee*~)