I did it again!

by Brittany Maire Walker   Mar 10, 2006

I hate this! I hate what you have done to me.
One minute I want you gone forever,
The next I want you back in my arms.
I would take you back in a heart beat! AGAIN! becuae I love you!
How can one survive this pain?
How can one continue to live again?

Why is it that we must go thru the pains of life?
Why must one destroy another's life?
Can anyone tell me what is the point?

I hate the confusion.
I hate the pain.
I hate knowing that it was you who tore my world in two.

I loved you then, and I love you now,
But that just makes it worse,
Knowing that you're out with her. my so called friend

I thought what we had was special,
I thought that maybe you were the one.
I thought that you loved me,
But once again I was wrong.

I swore that I'd never do this,
Swore it would never happen again.
But look at what I went and did,
I got myself hurt by you again!Oh, once again, I can't wait for this pain to end!

~This is for Steven Wayne Slyconish!~ You know i love you and no matter what i'll be here for you!


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