I still love him

by Brittany Maire Walker   Mar 10, 2006

I am still in shock,
from its sudden end.
Now I am broken hearted.

he was just not happy,
he doesn't yet know why.
He's made it clear i can not change this,
no matter how hard i try.

he still loves me and adores me,
but right now he needs a break.
he is unclear of what he wants,
or how long he may take.

I don't want this to be over,
yet i want him to be happy.
If it requires that we just be friends,
then i will for him, let that be.
I would rather be friends than hating eathother~

I do have one small regret,
the last few nights i spent with him,
i seen in his eyes he had something to say! But he didn't want to hurt me! but it happened, he told me.

Although i am saddened,
by his decision.
I'll support him always,
Against his wishes i will not fight.

He said its not because of me,
and I'm not going to argue.
But i don't want him to think he's horrible,
because he are still friends till the end!

I treated him better than he deserved they say,
but he was my life my everything. So to me he deserved it.

It was the best 4 months,
I've had all my life!
I wouldn't take back one moment,
even if it could save a lifetime of strife.

I will gladly stay for him,
and remain always a loyal friend.
Because i REFUSE to leave him,
I will be here until the end!!

I want him here with me, but that isn't going to happen! So I'll just sit here and let things be


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