I just do..

by Lady Anonymous   Mar 14, 2006

I\'m loving you cause of so many reasons
through the summer the fall & every other season
if i were to make a list it\'d never end
cause I\'m loving the way your my best friend

a week till that one year
and i look back wit a tear
not cause I\'m sad but cause I\'m happy
that I\'m still here wit that nigger scrappy

they said all the cries you had are going to make you laugh
but i don\'t care cause for me your on the top of the graph
but i guess it does matter when all the laughs you had are going to make you cry
but i guess we\'re better off as we are..
homiez till we die

and if your still wondering why i love you the way i do
i cant explain myself. i just love you
there are guys in this world that treat me the way you can
but for some reason i don\'t want them i want you to be my man

and although you ain\'t mister perfect
for me your mister right
I\'m loving the way we roll
the way we be kicking it tight

loving the way you smile
loving your choice in style
loving how your always making me grin
no matter what mood I\'m in

loving how my heart skips a beat when i see you
although at times you are lien and untrue
but its alright cause everybody got their flaws
just like my wish to Santa clause

cause i guess that day somebody else got my wish
and i guess that day somebody else got that kiss
but whatever, i learned to deal with it
even though before that happened.. our friendship was mad sick!

we\'d be on the phone till forever yo
and even though i know you now better den before
to tell you the truth i want the relationship we had then, back
because now.. all I\'m getting is a heart attack

i just want to be with you like i was before
you changed.. your trying to be all hardcore
i was over your house mad times
at night.. you never left my mind

kind of funny you know my whole family
yea your a first
but the way you replay in my mind over and over again
its like some sort of curse

you notice how this poem is switching from one to another
imma go back on track yea mother effer! ^_^
but as i was saying! i love you cause of who you are
and i think it\'ll stay that way no matter how far
in life we get
cause as long as its around you
then I\'m all set

damn getting off track again
so hmm i love you cause why?
is it the way you were there for me
or on the bed with me you\'d ly

how i can feel so comfortable around you
how you make me feel so secure
how i can easily open up to you
and know thats wat your hear for

and your just special to me
cause there are guys that do that to me too
but for some reason
i choose you..

i cant necessarily explain that reason
and i cant necessarily explain why i love you
its just the little things that happen
the little things that you do

but whatever. we could care less of how i feel
everyones just needa learn how to deal
cause sometimes you cant be with the one you love
even though thats all you want to be with above

in life there isn\'t a second chance
so i might as well get over it
no matter how painful my heart is toured and split

i ain\'t trying to make you feel bad
cause i know you wont feel a thing
just wanted to let you know
this is how I\'m feeling

i just wanna be something with you
something more than we are now
cause we ain\'t even talking
and its crazy like wow...

at least lets be friends
I\'m sorry and to you it probably means nothing
but I\'m telling you now..
my sorry\'s mean something

just wanted to send you this
cause its exactly a week till that one year long
let chill that day OK?
oun srolang bong... (i love you)


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