Comments : God's Grace

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Oh kris. that was so beautiful. left me speechless. beautiful how you intwined her name with God... fantastic poem *hugs u tight* ruthie xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    This poem is soo sad soz,def got my 5 vote keep writing and take care hun sarah x

  • 18 years ago

    by Anton

    The grace of God is so amazing and i know people who have been christians for 20 to 30 years and still find more amazing things in his grace every day. Im so thankfull for it and I can see that u are too. Ur a talanted writer i liked this poem alot. Remember is the Grace of God that sets us FREE!
    JeSuS RULES literally lol!

  • 18 years ago

    by RadianceInReverse

    This is a really touching poem hun...I couldnt stop reading it...its sad when ppl dont give unborn babies a chance to live....well great poem hun...Joc

  • 17 years ago

    by Always4You

    Thats sad..I wrote a poem about didnt get many comments or votes at you're against abortion right? lol just making sure...i have a hard time accepting some people who think its okay...:'(