
by Ashley Thrall   Mar 23, 2006

Looking back on my promises...
Saying were forever...
Now realizing my promises don't always last...
Breaking your heart time after time...
Giving my heart time to figure out its place...
As everyone changes deep inside...
My heart points me in my path...
My path points to you!
I love you!

My actions may not show that I do...
But as I make it through the path of love...
Your there beside me the whole way...
Through thick and thin your there holding onto me...
Tightly, you never let go...

My actions that I've done, were hurtful to you...
But I'm glad that your there to keep me in line...
Over and over I think...
What have I done to deserve him?...
After all I made him go through...
He loved me so much!

People talking in his ear...
Let her go...
Put her to the curb...
She's not worth it...
But you didn't let go...
You held on tighter...

Day after day..
I spent thinking about us...
My thoughts and dreams led me back to you...
Were meant to be...
Forever, we will be...
Promises will always last...
With your love by my side.


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