Watch what you do, and watch what you say

by Tripp   Apr 9, 2006

To all of you, watch what you do, and watch what you say
Because one day it might all just be torn away
from you

In one fatal instant, one fatal mistake
might be all that it takes
to have your love stolen from you

Myspace screwed me over, screwed me over bad
When someone found my myspace, it was Becky's dad
I cussed and I swore

I had stories of me and my friends with fire
and of the consequences that could have been dire
had we been found out, and now we have

That man has now 'officially' severed our ties
too bad he didn't anticipate that we could make up lies
we're still together, behind his back

And there's nothing he can do about it
Our love is like a bonfire, and a match has been lit
the fire's raging, and not stopping

Nothing is gonna stop us from seeing eachother
'Cause we're both in love with one another
she means the world to me

times a billion, and then more
our love has never been blocked, it can't be held by a door
or any other barricade, its unstoppable

My point has been said, and I hope its been understood
that atleast to your girlfriends parents, you have to appear good
hah, doesnt mean you have to be though....

to most adults, this is lost love, but too bad they don't know the whole deal...i tried a knew method of writing without even meaning to. I'd write a stanza, and then jus go away and do something else for 5-10 mins, and then come back haha. tell me what you think.

so yes, comment ;-) please


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  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    OH my gosh i lvoe it. THis is so great..lik it was a story but it was from ur heart..which i loved. This is good. Way to nvr give up on lvoe my friend. Becuase true love is like stainless steal, it gets dents in it but if broken was never true..rememebr that always my bud.

    Lataz Lissa

  • 18 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    This was kool...its very original and diffrent from wut u normally do and i like it.....nice plot too....
    love ya lots,