Once In A Lifetime

by Clonjey   Apr 12, 2006

He loved her but did not let her know.
He held her hand and did not let her go.
Walking down the wedding isle.
Flower girl, ring bearer, double file.
His heart beating not because he was nervous.
He loved being next to her but didn't show it on the surface.
Reaching the end where the minister stood,
they didn't separate like they knew they should.
Instead he pulled her closer;
at the hips he holds her.
With the colored lights of the stained glass windows,
shining in her eyes, different colors in rows.
He pulls her closer and connects their lips.
Everyone around begins to hiss.
Her lips fully on his.
For a second he forgets where he is.
Tongues connecting and intertwining.
He's turned on when she starts whining.
He can feel their emotions combining.
And the music plays so each separates.
They take their lines and stand in place.
He stares at her till the bride and groom say their vows together.
And he never sees her again forever.

*Carpe Dium...Seize the Day*


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