On the edge

by trish   Apr 12, 2006

I hear the two of you in the bedroom yelling again
All I can feel is the tension
The air is so cold I cant breath
You two fight over me the little stupid things
The thought comes to mind if I was not here would you two fight
I go to the front room and I see it the answer
Dads old hunting knife has never looked more inviting
Were together know I hold you in my hand
I run you over my finger your sharp, I bleed
I hear mom coming, we go to my room, lock the door
I feel a little more alive a drop of blood hits the flour
It's time I heard something break in your bedroom
I make it quick
There is a sound like when you pop a grape
I feel all the blood live my body it's over
My hand is on the flour and the knife is in the hard wood table
Why do I still feel pain?
How come I know what going on around me?
Mom comes running in she's crying and screaming
She holds me I can't feel her now
She fades into the background
The few goes black and I say I'm sorry
My answer became a problem
Last thoughts
(In my life I look for death though in my death you'll look for life)

Please let me know how this made you feel


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