Comments : My Fake Halo

  • 18 years ago

    by Kelsi

    Hey, good job!!! I really liked the way you wrote that poem. I know it's always same thing: I know what you're going through, I feel the pain. But I'm sure you get enough of that. I guess I basically just want to say is that I'm really impressed, that was a really good poem! And I hope you continue writing because you are so talented! So, keep it up, you're really good!!
    Kelsi Jane XxXxXxXx!!!!!
    P.S. If you ever need anyone, I'm always here, just e-mail me at! Ok? Just to let you know, there are people out there that would love to help you or even if you just want some encouraging words... I'm here. Remember!!! lol, see yas!

  • 18 years ago

    by oldthings

    =| it's great, it's so emotional and heart felt and I love it. most of my friends are girls and I they have told me so many times that they've had that feeling, like everyone thought they we're so perfect and all they wanted to do was break. Your poem really makes it so much more heartfelt and I love it, and thank you. =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    Hey, Lovered you poem! It was wonderful, I no you hear this lots probably but it was super great...

  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    I really really like this poem alot, I find it so creative and talented and words i cant descibe, it is so passionant the way it draws out what you find wrong about the ideas someone has persumed on you, if I'm wrong I apologise, I can really relate to this and I wish I could stand up to people but I am not ready but reading this poem I know you are strong, sorry if I got a lil of tract but its just such a beautiful poem.

    love stained sheets

  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    I really really like this poem alot, I find it so creative and talented and words i cant descibe, it is so passionant the way it draws out what you find wrong about the ideas someone has persumed on you, if I'm wrong I apologise, I can really relate to this and I wish I could stand up to people but I am not ready but reading this poem I know you are strong, sorry if I got a lil of tract but its just such a beautiful poem.

    love stained sheets

  • 18 years ago

    by 8infinity8

    Great poem
    i feel you if you need to talk, email me

  • 18 years ago

    by gasping for air

    OH MY GOD, that was the best poem ive read in a while!! its great, its sad, but its great!!! i cant get over how good this one is!!! i might have to copy and save this so that i can have it to look at when i want to...
    keep up the great work!!!