by kendra   Apr 19, 2006

I still remember your favourite colour, the scent of your cologne, and that you can't go 10 minutes without your socks. You look all mean and angry on the outside, but inside you were just waiting for someone to give you a chance. I know that basketball is one of the few things you and your dad can do together without arguing, and that you've never been in love before. You like working out and keeping yourself fit because your family is overweight and you don't want to end up like that, and you practice singing because you know chicks dig that. I remember how cute you were when I made you do something you didn't want to do, but you secretly enjoyed doing it because it was for me. I won't tell anyone that you cried that time I got mad and went offline, because you thought you were going to lose me. Then that other time things just got really emotional; and that third time when you wrote me one of many goodbye letters. You know I meant something to you, we both know you never ever cry. Gang bangers just don't do stuff like that, it's weak, right baby? I won't forget that you didn't like calling me 'baby' because you thought it was disrespectful and how you'd eat Ramon noodles for a week straight instead of cooking just so we could have more time to talk. Those summer days, talking from 11AM - 2:00AM will be something I'll never forget. Our conversations, everything we talked about; I'll remember it all. I'll always be that girl you fell in love with, and lied to you, and you'll always be the best thing that ever happened to me-- the one that got away. No matter what happens in the future, if we ever lose contact completely, I just want you to know that I will never forget that summer, and we were a lot more than just a summer thing. I am a different person now because of you, and your future is better because of me. We did so much for each other, so if there's one last thing I want you to do for me, honey, please don't ever forget me. Don't ever forget us.


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