THE WINDING PATH (a dedication to h.e.r.)...

by tha prophet   Apr 26, 2006

The course we've took
the path we've endured
has taken us to this point
in our journey
where we can look deep into each other's eyes
and find comfort
my feelings for you transcend all the hardships we've faced
all the bullsh!t we've encountered
along the way
we've gotten lost
we've had to find each other
before we found our way
but on this trail, this trek
we've forged a link
deeper than words can measure
when i hold you
i hold my own piece of heaven
i hold the last bit of sanity
that this world has to offer
when i kiss you
i kiss the angels' hands
the regal grace that i had not yet known
but through our travels
will not allow to slip through my unworthy hands
so easily
we push and pull and continue to move along this course
and who knows how far it will take us....
all i can say is this:
as long as you are by my side
as we journey this track
i will not fear the path that remains ahead
i love u karla
with all my heart
and no matter what sidetracks may lie ahead
what flirtatious diversions try to sway us...
i will not falter


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  • 17 years ago

    by IhAvEnOpOeTiCtAlEnT

    I am in LUV with this poem... **sniff, sniff... tear** 5/5