A-z of an ex boyfriend

by TaSh [MuMmY]   May 3, 2006

A is for ass hole, you know, that word I shout at him as I drive by.

B is for Bitter. Who, me?? No way. I really hope things
between them do work out. I can\\\\\\\'t think of two better
losers to get off the streets.

C is for Call ya later. He won\\\\\\\'t. He never has before.

C is also for competing. \\\\\\\"I feel worse than you do, you
can shovel the walk.\\\\\\\"

D is for Dumped. Does D need to be explained?

E is for Eating like a pig. God, does he always have to
know what the bottom of the bowl looks like?

F is for foreplay. Yes, I know he doesn\\\\\\\'t know what it
is, that\\\\\\\'s why it\\\\\\\'s on the list.

F is also for forgetting my birthday, you jerk.

G is for Guys. Who he was supposedly out with, and also
who wears perfume like mine.

H is for Horny. He always is, except when I am.

I stands for ignorant, slobbering jerk.

J stands for jerk off. Yes, that\\\\\\\'s what he can do tonight,
because I won\\\\\\\'t do it for him.

K stands for kiss, something he can\\\\\\\'t do without slobbering
down his tongue and on my face.

L is for Love. It\\\\\\\'s a great euphoric feeling that exists
somewhere in fantasy land.

M stands for Mephistophiles. That is who he imitates.

N stands for No, a word he never seems to understand.

O is for \\\\\\\"Oh, was it your birthday last week?\\\\\\\"

P is for pee, what he does out in public in the front yard
because he forgot when he walked past the bathroom.

Q is for quote, \\\\\\\"You didnt say no, you just got mad and hung up\\\\\\\" unquote

R is for reminding, because I have to remind him of all
holidays, birthdays and anniverseries.

S stands for stood up. Something he thinks I will forget

S is also or s_e_x. Something he won\\\\\\\'t get later because I
remember the previous S.

T is for torture. Where do I start?

U is for Understatement. Saying you hate that f*#kin
ass hole is an understatement.

V is for vermin--most of his family.

W stands for whine, need I say more.

X is for ex, the thing he is now.

Y stands for younger, he acts that way anyways.

Z stands for zip, that\\\\\\\'s what I got from him.


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  • 18 years ago

    by LiLaNgEl420

    I really like that
    its good
    i have one sorta like it
    its called abc's to our relationship
    its not on here yet
    5/5 fo'sho