I love you

by Jamarcus Dwayne Blaze   May 4, 2006

It was a wonderful summer day and it ended in a rainy stormy day that i wish would go away i met a girl but i wont say her name she will no it her cause only her i love and need in my life when we met it was 4 day after my 19th birthday and she was so great and true to me but i met another girl and she need love in her life something she couldn\'t find at home nor in her on man so she came to me why i don\'t no i fell for her a let the one i love slip away from me and now i miss her dearly and wish i could just have the old krisanta back i no i messed up real bad but o so pleas for give me o how i love u and need u with me no man no woman can tell me that this is just make believe because it not it so real that i would really ask krisanta to marry me if she was my girlfriend and i was her boyfriend but that is only a fairytale they say but what if i said it not OK i am saying its not because i do love her that much just to ask krisanta to marry and be with me cause i love her so much i would die continuously for her she is my life and soil and pried what would i do with out her near me and in my life she took the pain that i though would never go away from me but so true and so sweet to me i could lover her for ever more but all i can say to krisanta is that i love u but i wont to say more and be so much more to her but its so hard to be when it like a big wall is blocking me from some one that was meant for me and i only and i mean only wont krisanta so i just have to say for now i love you krisanta

To Be continued


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  • 17 years ago

    by Krisanta

    Boy oh boy ur something else what the hell u need to stop playing wit girls feelings you know that right. i never seen a man love some much gal at one time what a joke! im gald your happan wish you nothing but happaness just remember one thing all that sh** you been saying to me i knew it was all bull and i hope this next gal notice that toO!! im out..*kissteeth* lmao your a joke

  • 18 years ago

    by dee

    Your poem was really good. it had so much emotion and ur choice of words and flow were amazing. you can really feel the love in the air haha keep it up.. im gonna check out some more of your poems

  • 18 years ago

    by Alexander

    I loved ur poems its really good dude you are better then me keep writing if you need any help i will be here to help you