Comments : Written Promise

  • 17 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Wow....Thank you, Geo!! Very very much...I'm sorry that I am so uptight and nervous...or even if it may appear mistrusting. But know that its not because of you and it'll never be that way. And I may not be able to completely get RID of that fear because its still there...I trust you more than you know and I didn't mean to even accuse you of anything because I was confused!! Sooooo confused...and I still am. But I'm also sorry for making you think I didn't trust you or I put her above you because you played just as vital as a part in saving me as she did. I couldn't count how many times I've come close to just cutting it all off, just ending it, or how many times I've wanted to and nearly succeeded. Even more importantly, I can't even begin to count the numerous times you've brought me back and put a smile on my face during the times I never would have believed it possible. But you did and I will ALWAYS be there for you to do the same if I can. Always. Never worry about stressing me or hurting me (as long as its unintentional) I'll try my best to help or give you advice, be your cyber shoulder to cry on, lol!!

    Keep in mind that I love you very much too, very very much. And we'll be bestfriends ALWAYS! xoxoxoxo

  • 17 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    Yet another great poem. I like friend poems, and your's was really well written which made me like it more.